Affordable Thoughtful Holiday Gift: DIY Scrapbook (Pt. 2)

After a long year and February finally coming to an end, I am happy to announce that The Scrapbook has finally come to an end. I gave it to my loved one for this past Valentine’s Day, and he loved it. I was happy to share it and have help with the caligraphy from a great friend. These are just a few pages from the book to give you and idea. If you’re looking for an affordable gift read my previous post for this scrapbook and what you may need to make yours today. (READ HERE)

Remember…it’s not meant to be PERFECT, it’s meant to be fun. Think collage and create fun and affordable memories for you and a loved one.

Free Yoga Class

As I begin my 200 HR YTT I will begin to take on new friends and clients but I wanted to offer up the opportunity to EVERYONE! So, if you stumble upon this post and want to share this for anyone that may works from home or just enjoys trying new things and want to give yoga a try please feel free to click the “Sign-Up Sheet” to take a free virtual yoga class from yours truly.

Sign-Up Sheet:

Affordable Thoughtful Holiday Gift: DIY Scrapbook

So this is actually something I’ve been doing for years and have finally decided to document the process in order to help someone in the future. (last minute of course) lol I’m gonna list all the items I purchased in order to receive MY desired outcome. However, depending on what the theme or idea of your scrapbook the prices may vary. But you’re looking at a holiday gift LESS THAN 50$ and even $25 if you head to your local Micheal’s and use your coupons 😉 Regardless, this gift is something that people will have FOREVER!

Things You MAY Need: ( all items are subject depending on what kind of scrapbook you are doing this could be for friends, anniversary, wedding, family vacations etc.)

Think COLLAGE!!! (it doesn’t have to be perfect just thoughtful) above are some of the supplies and photos I’m using from our Trip to Vegas and other photos from past adventures. But all in all just have fun, it is the holidays. I’m still working on mine so I’ll update this post AFTER Christmas, so you can see the final product.

xoxo, Victoria B.

I’m Back…

Hello, how is everyone doing today?

Well, since no one is there to answer in real life, I guess this just got awkward…but no, seriously guys. I haven’t been dodging anyone, avoiding anyone or trying to hide my great life from everyone. I’ve just been dealing with life. Ya know? One hit at a time.

This may or may not come as a shock, “But, I’m just living.” Like, literally ya’ll just living day to day. Making sure I eat, and shower, and work so that my life is somewhat normal. That may seem very passive or passive aggressive depending on how you read that, but in all actuality I am making the best out of every thing that comes my way. I truly have been a way better person than I can say I think I’ve ever been in my entire life. That may because I got new friends, who challenge me and make a better person, or it could be because I have this amazing boyfriend that pushes me to be smarter, but little does he know, I AM smarter. (this line was a typo, no it wasn’t)*

Anyway, onto more pressing matters. For those that had messaged me and asking me about my whereabouts here’s your bloody answer. I’m alive and well, I just don’t really like socializing like that anymore and I know that may be a shock..but truly honestly I love you all, I’ve just low-key retreated and that may be because I just eating inside, rather than spend $200 on a bottle knowing I can go to the liquor store and get it for $20. I haven’t been acting “brand new” I’ve been becoming a better me. That’s all. No foul, no harm…just taking everything one day at a time.

Well, since we’ve re-introduced ourselves I guess I can say, “I’m back”. Even though my visits are gone like the wind. I may re appear again. (hey, that rhymed! lol)

See ya, later and try not to miss me too much. xoxo, V